We want everyone to make the most of their time in our country. A large part of having a great travel experience depends on having an open mind, being flexible, respecting locals, being willing to try new things and giving the best of yourself in your interactions with others. Let your curiosity guide you, and you will definitely learn something new! Here are a few recommendations as well as things to avoid during your stay in order to have a pleasant vacation.

Do …

  • extend a greeting such as buenos días or buenas tardes before approaching somebody. Remember that a few words of Spanish will go a long way.

  • make an effort to get to know the locals. Nicaraguans are known for being open, welcoming and helpful.

  • ask people for permission before taking a picture of them.

  • pay attention to your appearance. Nicaraguans take great care in their looks.

  • remember that you are a guest in Nicaragua and a representative of your country, so leave a good impression.

Don’t …

  • expect everything to rush at New York City pace.

  • give food or money to children begging in the streets. Many children are sent by their parents to earn additional income for the family. Instead of going to school, these children spend their days and nights on the streets. Giving money to these children will destroy their lives instead of help them. There are many charity organizations all over Nicaragua that take care of street children, so if you want to help give to a reputable organization that can really make a difference. ORO Travel will be happy to provide you with a list of organizations. Please ask us.

  • buy illegal drugs such as cocaine or marihuana in Nicaragua as penalties for possessing and/or using illegal drugs in Nicaragua are severe.

  • attend or participate in political events in the country. Getting involved in local politics is not recommended.