This captivating region of Nicaragua is nestled in the north of the country where rural life and natural wonders are part of this great experience. With a population of over 100 thousand people the mystical Estelí, is a very busy city with lots of commerce and hardworking people. There is a Central Plaza where vendors, shoe-shine boys, pedestrians, couples and families gather every day. The Cathedral is dedicated to “Nuestra Señora del Rosario” who is the Patron Saint of the city.

Esteli also has an interesting culture. Typical dances include polka, waltz, and mazurka. It is quite usual to see locals wearing hats, boots and riding horses for their everyday activities. The most representative artistic work is the carving of fine skillfully sculpted figures made out of a type of marble rock, “marmolina”, from the village of San Juan de Limay.

Some distinctive geographical characteristics:

  • Estelí is surrounded by a small mountain range creating a refreshing breeze mainly in the evenings thus giving the city a pleasant climate.

  • The mountains offer fantastic views on the Pacific basin.

  • The surrounding area is scattered with large rice and tobacco fields.

  • The natural reserve Tizey-Estanzuela with its river and a splendid waterfall.

  • Miraflor is another natural reserve housing a wonderful eco-system.

  • Tomabu Natural Reserve has an altitude of over three and a half thousand feet above sea level and part of its water is collected by the Coco River, the longest in Nicaragua.



Marduk Gardens

Far from the noisy cities and away from the characteristic tourist places is Hotel Marduk Gardens. This wonderful and magical place is located at the top of the Tisey – Estanzula Reserve. This mountain hotel, retains a profile of shelter and spiritual retreat opening a connection with art and nature. The small villas are surrounded by forest, viewpoints, walking trails, gardens and orchards, along with a variety of activities available during your stay.

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